AddPrefix middleware

The AddPrefix middleware appends a specified prefix to the URL path of incoming requests. This is useful for routing requests to services that require a specific prefix in their paths

How It Works:

  • Request Interception: The AddPrefix middleware intercepts incoming requests.
  • Prefix Addition: It adds the configured prefix to the beginning of the URL path.
  • Forwarding: The modified request is forwarded to the appropriate service or backend.

    Configuration Properties:

  • prefix (string): The prefix to be added to the URL path. Ensure the prefix starts with a / to maintain proper URL formatting.

Example: AddPrefix Middleware Configuration

Here’s an example of an addPrefix middleware configuration in YAML:

  - name: addPrefix
    type: addPrefix
      prefix: /prefix

In this example:

  • The middleware adds /prefix to the beginning of every incoming URL path.
  • For instance, a request to /api/resource would be transformed into /prefix/api/resource

When to Use AddPrefix

  • To ensure requests have a consistent prefix before reaching the backend services.
  • To manage routing for services with path-based prefixes.

For scenarios requiring more complex URL modifications, consider using middleware like RedirectRegex.